yeah, another template with a lily on it yeah, another template with a lily on it
I took my littlest nephew, Gage, swimming this morning. Cami came, of course. It was so funny because Gage can't swim yet, but he likes to jump into someone's arms from the side of the pool. So he asked to jump and we got set up. I barely noticed Cami standing beside him. I said, "jump!" to Gage and Cami jumped in too. I really wasn't expecting it, though I should have been. From that point on, each time Gage jumped in, Cami was right behind him.

Gage also liked to put a toy down the slide. When he would do that, Cami dove nose-first into the water to retrieve her toy.

What really cracked me up was when Gage and I were kicking in the water. He was giggling because I was kicking really hard. The next thing I know, a dog has catapulted herself onto my legs in an effort to catch the water. I had to keep an eye out for her when I was kicking because she didn't seem to understand the concept of swimming to the side of my legs. She wanted to jump right on them.

Now she is sound asleep :o)

did you miss?

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