yeah, another template with a lily on it yeah, another template with a lily on it
Cami went to work with me today. It was fun because I'm working with a committee. It's full of people I really get along with and they all love dogs. So after lunch, I released Cami from working and we played fetch in the classroom we were in.

She did freak out at some point. I was walking back from the vending machine, down a dark hallway. One of my committee members was walking toward us and there was a custodian a bit behind her. Cami started barking her head off. She looked like she was barking at Kim (the committee member),which was odd because she knows Kim. So Kim was really cool about it and just stopped and let Cami come up to her. Then she petted her.

After that, Cami focused on a big garbage bag that was behind Kim. I took her over there and let her sniff that. She finally settled down. I'm still not sure what set her off, but at least we worked it out.

Of course, I had just taken off my treat pouch, so it was all verbal reward and no tangible, edible rewards.

did you miss?

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